Dear Reader,
I turned 21 two days ago! I’m finally legal, as everyone has made it clear! I’m still taking it all in, the events that transpired in the past few days. For some reason, I wasn’t looking forward to this day, I was in no mind to turn 21, I outright refuse to start my twenties stuck at home, in a pandemic, but here we are. I went in with extremely low expectations and I had a wonderful time.
Last year, being fresh into the pandemic, with a whole lot of uncertainty, I had one of the most low-key and relaxed birthdays ever. It was enjoyable, spending time with family, talking to friends while being separated by a screen and hogging on everything sweet. I expected this year to go the same, even though the case load is decreasing, vaccination is ramping up and we know a lot more about the virus - it’s still best to be safe. But to my surprise, the day was extremely eventful and I was occupied most of the time with something or the other - I still feel sleep deprived and tired, mostly because the pandemic has reduced the threshold and tolerance of all our social batteries, but hey, I’m not complaining!
For a while now, I've wanted to get cotton dungarees stitched in Indian print, I thought it would be unique. Unfortunately, after I’d given the material for stitching, the second wave washed upon us. On the days leading up to my birthday (which I was dreading), I decided to focus on the things that were under my control, like my outfit for example. I was hell bent on getting those dungarees from the tailor’s and wearing them all day. It finally arrived a few days prior and the fit was perfect (which I was a bundle of nerves about). I think that lockdown/covid birthdays feel all the more special because over the course of these one and a half years, we’ve learnt to appreciate the little things and cherish the small wins.
The only qualm I had, other than the I-can’t-live-life-normally-and-go-out bit (which I’ve sort of made peace with), was that I had to write a test on that day. But I told myself, “Adithi it’s just for one hour, don’t let this get to you”, and in no time, I found myself scanning and submitting my answer sheet and felt so free! When I wore those dungarees coupled with 3D printed earrings courtesy of my cousin, I felt like those people in Reels, walking confidently while someone hypes them up. I hopped on a bunch of calls with a couple of friends, and we caught up. I had the fortune of meeting three of them as well( it was safe, if I might add) and was beyond joyous.
Of everything I received that day, it’s the time I spent with those close to me that I valued the most. My beautiful, exceptionally-talented-at-making-me-feel-happy friends wrote a newsletter of their own, in my style, all about me of course. In that, they’d linked a google drive, filled with letters written to me by friends and family that I’d open when I’m feeling nostalgic or adventurous or unable to write - things like that.
I’ve heard a lot of people say that birthdays are just another day or that they’re overrated, but I guess I’m lucky enough to feel and receive that extra love that is sometimes just needed. This might as well be an open letter to everyone who makes me feel special. This is all that has been on my mind dear Reader, so if cheesy writing isn’t your thing, my apologies.
Links you’ll love
A New Angle on LGBTQIA+ Representation in India( an article/interview I co-wrote for @shakticollaborative! )
Dancing in movies( truly an enjoyable watch, via The Alipore Post ).
See how your favourite dog breeds are related to each other!
Star Boyz starring Kenny and Naveen - I always go back to this series whenever I feel like I need a laugh.
Signing off,
Happy birthday dear Adithi and have a blessed year ahead..
Heyyyy dearie Happy birthday girlie!!!! Welcome to the wonderful twenties!!!!
Love your dungarees.. enjoyyyyy!! May you be blessed to get all those in your bucket list full filled